Crate webp

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This crate provides provides functionality for encoding and decoding images from or into the webp format. It is implemented as a safe wrapper around the libwebp-sys crate. Currently only a subset of the features supported by libwebp are available. The simple encoding and decoding apis are implemented which use the default configuration of libwebp.


  • A wrapper around libwebp-sys::WebPBitstreamFeatures which allows to get information about the image.
  • A decoder for WebP images. It uses the default configuration of libwebp. Currently, animated images are not supported.
  • An encoder for WebP images. It uses the default configuration of libwebp.
  • This struct represents a decoded image. Its data contents can be accessed through the Deref and DerefMut traits. It is also possible to create an image::DynamicImage from this struct.
  • This struct represents a safe wrapper around memory owned by libwebp. Its data contents can be accessed through the Deref and DerefMut traits.
